Our philosophy is simple–
Original design.
Neutral carbon footprint.
Equal respect for all sentient beings.

"Our products are vegan and cruelty-free with absolutely zero animal-derived materials. This is our commitment, and we'll stand behind it no matter what."
– Xenia Wong, O.N.E Founder
O.N.E started as a handcraft genuine leather bags company in 2015. Being based in Macau, our designs have always been inspired by the unique blend of Western and Oriental characteristics in colonial architectures spanning across the city.
In late 2019, our founders went vegan after stumbling upon the realization that animals are here on this planet with us, not for us. From there on, there was really no other way for us to move forward with O.N.E other than changing it to an entirely vegan brand.
O.N.E was reborn in August 2020 - all products are now 100% vegan and cruelty-free. Recognizing our past contributions to animal suffering and environmental devastation, we have embarked on a mission to promote a vegan lifestyle through fashion. We hope you can join our journey to make vegan fashion mainstream.