We ensure our production process minimizes wastes and upholds fair labor standards. 


We strive to minimize waste throughout our production process. Starting with initial prototyping, we utilize paper scraps to create mini prototypes. Once we are happy, we proceed to using scrap vegan leather to create 1:1 prototypes. From then on, we go on to produce our products in small batches, and reuse the production scraps in our dust bags and future prototyping.


Our products are manufactured in small batches by a family-run studio in Guangdong, China. Due to the lack of scale and size, our partnering studio is currently unable to be certified by international social accountability standards. With that said, we ensure that the studio upholds fair labor standards, with zero tolerance for child labor, and employees earning a fair wage working under safe and comfortable conditions. We do that by visiting our partnering studio at least once a quarter to inspect working conditions and build personal relationships with the 20 to 30 employees, who we know personally by name.
As we grow together with our partnering studio, we will continually look into assisting them in becoming certified by international standards, such as the SA8000.